- About KLA
About KLA

-Each student is special-
Three pillars of KLA
Learning methods Teaching experience
Original Method “Reaching”
The parent company of KLA employs a learning method based on brain science for students to learn efficiently. Here, students do not only improve their Japanese language skills, but they also learn how to behave appropriately as educated and well-respected “human beings”. To that end, “Reaching”, KLA’s original teaching method, is also employed in classes. We teach students for the success in their future even after graduating from KLA.

Learn through “experiences”
A variety of events
At KLA, we offer plenty of opportunities to apply and improve our students’ Japanese language skills in addition to in-class lessons. Some examples are the “Speech Contest” and “Writing Competition” that have been conducted at all KLA schools to show the results of the lessons students learn every day.
In addition, there are regular events that introduce traditional and contemporary Japanese cultures. Students deepen their understanding of Japan through hands-on experiences in Japanese culture.

Safe and secure support systems
Toward becoming the safest and the most secure Japanese language school in Japan
KLA aims to become the “safest and most secure Japanese language school”, and we are setting up a specialized team and implementing our own safety measures.
In addition to providing support from the arrival at the time of entering Japan, procedures at the government office, and various other procedures, and support for searching part-time jobs, we are also putting a strong emphasis on providing mental support for international students who may feel uneasy during their first-time study abroad.

Our Strengths as a Group
Presence in all over Japan
We have 9 schools from Tokyo to Hyogo, and each school has its own unique characteristics, allowing international students to choose the best school according to their needs.
Share and apply the knowledge and successful cases
We regularly hold training sessions and conferences throughout the group, and we are putting a lot of effort in improving the quality of education in our schools by sharing experiences and knowledge gained at each school and spreading successful cases.
Great variety of courses
The schools in KLA group offer various courses, such as short-term summer programs and optional courses, such as EJU preparation courses, to meet the needs of each international student.
Group-wide career guidance system
Making full use of the strengths of all schools located throughout Japan, we share all locally-obtained information with the Group as soon as possible. We also have tie-ups with universities, vocational schools, and companies across the Group.
Global Student Exchange
KLA values its relationship with regional communities and has organized many community-exchange events and unique events to experience local cultures.
Support system for life outside school
We have established a safety measures office that overlooks the entire group and has established a system for more specialized care of the student, such as counseling desks, guidance systems for the rules and daily life in Japan.